Thursday, October 6, 2016

My most valuable possesion: Accelerator's figure


Well, I think that there are so many immaterial stuff that can be considered as present, but I will talk about a material one. This was my 22 th birthday gift for my parents, but I also put money because was expensive xD 

Was my first anime figure!! This guy is my favorite, favorite character EVER, "Accelerator" <3 <3

This photo is from Google, right now I have not how to upload one of my personal photo, and it is important because this is the first time when I see that reallity is more perfect than the fiction: see it in front of your eyes is incredible! hahahah! I remember I prayed for this figure be as beautiful as the photos show it (you know, photoshop is everwhere), but I was wrong! TOO BEAUTIFUUL!! I fell in love insantaneously, I was sooooo happy!! when I came to take it was one of the best days of that year!! 2014 <3 <3

Well, I like so much because I love the character <3 but the real love man, I mean, I can say that he is my "PL". I don't want to sound (too) nerd so I won't tell you the anime plot, but the principal reason beacuse I love him is that Accelerator has the most complex psychology I've ever seen in a character (again, ever), and the evolution of his psychology and how he changes during the anime is a-we-so-me. He started as an antagonist, but became on of the main character. Author is a fuckin genious, for me, that study psychology, a stuff like that is simply delicious to watch *w* While I was watching him or listen him is just liike "Ah... ahh, all you say is incredible... take me away, please..." xDD

Actually I have this figure hidden. No, it's a joke xDD is in my furniture, it always has been there, like the main place of my room, when everybody can see it BUT just I can touch it :D


  1. You remember me my brother because he loves all the japans things too :)

  2. Why all this thing are so expensive? i want a batman figure but so much costly :c

  3. Why all this thing are so expensive? i want a batman figure but so much costly :c

    1. I know, right? WHY GOD, WHYYY????
      (now is more expensive than when I bought it)

  4. Good gift! You remember me much one of the my classmate because he same love the anime and things of Japan ahahah. Regards

  5. Good gift! You remember me much one of the my classmate because he same love the anime and things of Japan ahahah. Regards

  6. I've always loved this figures, but they are just too expensive to me. I think I would buy one only if I had a lot of money. I don't have a collector's soul.

    1. haha, in fact.... I just have this oe yet xDD but I'm waiting to can buy two littles now. I want others 2 but, is like you say: don't have a figure collector's soul

  7. Hello!
    I think that you get alog good whit my sister, because she loves the anime.

  8. MAN I FEEL YOU SO BAD, one of my beloved treasures of my whole life is the figure of Akira Midousuji, from Yowamushi Pedal. It was so expensive, and also I had to paid taxes when it arraived, IT WAS HELL, but totally deserve it. I haven't watch To Aru, but I have a friend that always tell me to watch it... or read the novels... a huge task you may guess. But well, figures are love, figures are life <3

    1. hahahah! you get it totally!! well, if you watch the anime, have to read the novels. Sadly, in the anime are sooo much information that the anime doesn't take... u.u are great!!

  9. I think it is great to feel so pationate about a figure and a fiction character. Cool

    1. the sotry of my life <3 hahaha, but Accelerator takes all my passion hahaha
