Thursday, October 27, 2016

Neuroscience! :D

Hi guys,

Mmm, it's a little hard to write about this... what if we are not sure yet about a job? I will do my practice and my tesis about neuroscience. Yeah, I think that's the mine but right now I can't say specifically what area I will dedicated. I'm interested in areas like dream, leanguage, movement... all about brain is so exciting, I also like mental diseases, like schizophrenia. I know there are a lot of knowledge and studies about but there are so many questions yet! To think that just a liiiitle part of the neorune has a problem and that provoke a complete disaster! It can't stop to awesome me, I thin "woooow... how many things have to be OK to be a healthy person?" Really, enjoying of good health is a miracle... and that's one of the reason I really like neuroscience, maybe de most important. Brain is amazing, all these things make me think in how awesome is the human brain, and that is incredible wonderfull to be a healthy person. While more I study neuroscience, I love my brain more and more!

What about, the brain plasticy? This capacity of make new memories above others, to can learn anything despite might you are not in your "critical age" (for learn a second leanguage, for example), this incredible phenomenon of the neuronal wired: if you loose some skill you can make up for with the other's one! it's soo freaky!! really, we never end to learn about our brain, but that not sounds to me like something hopelessness. Noooo!! I want to know more, even if this creates more questions than answers... I think that would be the major satisfaction with this, just because you love it! just because you want to know! like Tarzan in the song "Stranger like me", do you remember the spanish version? "Quiero saber, que me enseñes..."

Quiero saber!


  1. Wow, is very interesting study the brain! I think that is so cool how operate with the dreams or memories, like a computer.

  2. Oh, I have a friends that study psychology and always we speak about the benefit and the limit of the neuroscience, but never we arrive to some agreement :( haahahah

    1. hahahahah! that things happend :D hahaha!

    2. man, can you say me why I can't watch your blog? I see "Soma", your second post, but I couldn't see anyone else :c

  3. Neuroscience is awesome. Is incredible that we know so litle about our own brain, but is necesary to continue investigating.
    P.S. I started to read the song with the voice of phil collins XD


  4. Wooow!! this is really interesting, something similar happened to me in some similar courses, but is veeery very complicate! hahah regards!
