Thursday, September 29, 2016

Laguna San Rafael

Hi Guys!

For not talk about just "Japan and Anime" on my blog I'll take about a place that I want to visit, but in Chile (y)

Well, thanks to God, I've had the opportuniity to travel for different part of our beautiful country, I know some parts of the noth and some parts of the souht, but, withouy any dubts; my favorite is the south <3 that also means to do with the fact that I love Winter <3 so, a landscape which gives the impression of "cold" is something that I really like :D snow, ice, so much rain and thunderlights.... ooouu, I love it <3

So, the place I really know to know in Chile is Laguna San Rafael, in the IX region.

pretty incredible, isn't?

Maaan, there should be so much cooooo! but I like it, I feel the cool as a very refresing sensation... it's nice to me. Andm whatever, you don't need to like cool and winter to think thiese things are a very wonder <3 
I know during the whole year people are traveling there and getting close to glaciers in boats and even, some of them have the opportunity to watch how an enormous ice-block cracks and fall into the lake (.... well, I don't know if that is good or bad... I think would be an incredible spectacle but, if you think that is because the global warming... then woulnd't be so nice...)

Ooohh... how small we are...

How about take a little wash there? :D it's all natural!!

So, would you want to go there?



  1. I love the south to! specially in summer :B

  2. Laguna San Rafael is a fantastic place of our country! But, is more expensive for my pocket.
