Thursday, October 27, 2016

Neuroscience! :D

Hi guys,

Mmm, it's a little hard to write about this... what if we are not sure yet about a job? I will do my practice and my tesis about neuroscience. Yeah, I think that's the mine but right now I can't say specifically what area I will dedicated. I'm interested in areas like dream, leanguage, movement... all about brain is so exciting, I also like mental diseases, like schizophrenia. I know there are a lot of knowledge and studies about but there are so many questions yet! To think that just a liiiitle part of the neorune has a problem and that provoke a complete disaster! It can't stop to awesome me, I thin "woooow... how many things have to be OK to be a healthy person?" Really, enjoying of good health is a miracle... and that's one of the reason I really like neuroscience, maybe de most important. Brain is amazing, all these things make me think in how awesome is the human brain, and that is incredible wonderfull to be a healthy person. While more I study neuroscience, I love my brain more and more!

What about, the brain plasticy? This capacity of make new memories above others, to can learn anything despite might you are not in your "critical age" (for learn a second leanguage, for example), this incredible phenomenon of the neuronal wired: if you loose some skill you can make up for with the other's one! it's soo freaky!! really, we never end to learn about our brain, but that not sounds to me like something hopelessness. Noooo!! I want to know more, even if this creates more questions than answers... I think that would be the major satisfaction with this, just because you love it! just because you want to know! like Tarzan in the song "Stranger like me", do you remember the spanish version? "Quiero saber, que me enseƱes..."

Quiero saber!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Japanese light novel

Hi everyone!

Well, actually I have many books that I was reaading but, I left them in "stand by"... Dorian Gray's portrait, El Juego de Ripper, Heart's mehcanisim, Maestros Espirituales... all in stand by xD but right now (in fact, I was reading it in the launch time), I'm reading a japanese light novel, called "To aru Majutsu no Index". In roughly (very, very roughly), Index is about Science vs Magic, when in the side of the science are "Espers", people with psychics powers, and in the side of the magic, magicians (duh), that represents some religions, specially the Catholic Church. There are good guys and bad guys in both sides. When science and magic cross path, this story begins <3

Actually there is a manga and an anime about that, but the first thing was published was this novel. There are a lot of information that isn't in the anime, so when you read it all is more complete. But, that means that the plot is incredible more complex than the anime.

I thing that's the mayor advantaje of reading a book. Thanks to the narrator, you can understand so much better the mind of the character, their very purpose, what they are really feeling and thinking... it's awesome!! I really like that :D this thing of being capable to feel conected with someone, to being capable to understand someone thanks to know how it really feels... and yes, in this case "it" is a character, but I don't mind! since I'm a little child, I've loved to know more and more about a character I really like :)

And of course, the story of To aru Majutsu no Index is very interesting, always have funny parts,  just yesterday I was laughing in the subway because of some characters and their silly thing xDD hahaha! I know the people was looking at me but whatever, I was really enjoying it! :D

I'm reading this, actually, the number 12

Some days ago I was reading the number 5 again, because it's so beautiful :'D

To aru majutsu no Index is amazingly famous in Japan. These novels started to be launched in... April, 2004, and is still going on!! Now are more than 40 and always are in the top of the sales list!! Funniest of this is the fact that the author, Kazuma Kamachi, is unknow o.O He has wanted to keep his identity in secret and... 12 years ago after the first publications and we still don't know how he looks like!! the fans say that Kamachi is a kind of alien, and that writes his novels with coca and fairy dusts... I don't know, but, has A LOT of imagination. Good for us, because we really love his worlds!! :DD

Thursday, October 6, 2016

My most valuable possesion: Accelerator's figure


Well, I think that there are so many immaterial stuff that can be considered as present, but I will talk about a material one. This was my 22 th birthday gift for my parents, but I also put money because was expensive xD 

Was my first anime figure!! This guy is my favorite, favorite character EVER, "Accelerator" <3 <3

This photo is from Google, right now I have not how to upload one of my personal photo, and it is important because this is the first time when I see that reallity is more perfect than the fiction: see it in front of your eyes is incredible! hahahah! I remember I prayed for this figure be as beautiful as the photos show it (you know, photoshop is everwhere), but I was wrong! TOO BEAUTIFUUL!! I fell in love insantaneously, I was sooooo happy!! when I came to take it was one of the best days of that year!! 2014 <3 <3

Well, I like so much because I love the character <3 but the real love man, I mean, I can say that he is my "PL". I don't want to sound (too) nerd so I won't tell you the anime plot, but the principal reason beacuse I love him is that Accelerator has the most complex psychology I've ever seen in a character (again, ever), and the evolution of his psychology and how he changes during the anime is a-we-so-me. He started as an antagonist, but became on of the main character. Author is a fuckin genious, for me, that study psychology, a stuff like that is simply delicious to watch *w* While I was watching him or listen him is just liike "Ah... ahh, all you say is incredible... take me away, please..." xDD

Actually I have this figure hidden. No, it's a joke xDD is in my furniture, it always has been there, like the main place of my room, when everybody can see it BUT just I can touch it :D