Thursday, November 24, 2016

Practice 4 the famous PET

Hi guys,

so, I just finished this little exam... this is the time whne I think "maybe I should practice more..."...
One of the bad things I think that maybe we never reach to learn ALL the words in english, there is always at least one word that you don't know... and sometimes you just read the first part of the sentence and say "got it", put some answer and is wrong! then you realized that the clue was just in read the whole sentence... damn it, why chileans are this way?

Whatever, I also have to put more atention in the listening... my sister goes very well in english, and she says that she can do that almost just with listen music. I say yeah, it's a good idea, but I think that also she gots talent (y) we say that if we merge with eachother the we do a perfect english-talker: she listens and talks and I read and write, perfect two!

How about your scores, guys?


  1. ooh The exam was "troll", change the answer in the last moment, never XD
