Thursday, December 15, 2016

2ª semester of this 2016

Hi guys,
the topic I chose for the last one post is this semester. Well, has been complicated... but I'll start from the top.

I wanted to star this semester because I was tired of the class that I had. It weren't anything to mean with what I want, I chose these class because I thought will be interesting, and some on them really was, but as I said some post ago I want to dedicated to the neuroscience and there weren't any class about it... the last time I've got neuroscience was in 2014, so I mjissed so much :c I have to fulfil with a numbers of asignatures to got my degree, so I had to choise even when weren't asgnatures of neuroscience. Besides, we had that strike and when we came back... well, you know. I was absolutely tired, but in the really bad sense, like "I don't want this anymore!!! I just want to over all of this!" :(

And well, I had... 5 days of vacations and I finally had an asiganture about neuroscience! but I had to picked some class again just to fulfil the schedule. I don't remember why and how, but I got behind with the class some weeks and I had whole weekend catching up wit the classes, reading and... you know. But I couldn't enjoy of the class so much because one of my pets became sick and I had to dedicate it the half of the day in cares xD Spent a lot of money in treatments, had to took him to the vet, much of that time after or before I had to go to my class so Accel came with me :3 <3 but I had to bring his food and do his treatments here, so it also was tired.

After some months, I was getting really anxious because despute the treatment Accel was no going better, so I became sad. I was missed some class, had bad scores in my test and... bah...
 I had really bad times this semesters, but fortunaltely one day I decided to blow away my sadness and enjoy the time I stiil had with my pets. The treatments going on but now I was no sad. Accel and me kept making new and beautiful memories, spend time together and even we slept togeher xDDD Until the day of his death, the past november 21 th. I'm almost about to cry so I'll let it for now xD sorry

And we still don't finish this!! oh! As I was so stressed and with anxious crisis I left some asigantures, so I couldn't to inscribed myself in the practice. The next year I'll have to do the asigantures I miss to fulfil the schedule. I have a final exam on december 23 rd and I'll finally be able to rest. I just want to enjoy some of this Christmas time.

Ah... this is the Year of the Monkey according to the chinese horoscope, and I'm monkey, so I was expecting for a really good year, but... have you ever heard about the monkey is one of the animals that can laught of itslef? Well, I supposed that is happening...

Thursday, December 1, 2016

My main ambitions, actually

Hello folks!
today I' gonna talk about my main ambition actually: go to Japan
I know that if you have read some of my post you realize that this is not a new but, as I said, is my main ambition. I think is something like a dream. Don't think that like "dream" I'm refering tho something impossible, no no no! Think it of like the thing that would make me happiest, actually.

Well, the main reason of why I want to go to Japan is very personal, but for others reasons, is very obvious to think that is because I'm otaku, so I can't imagine another place that would be better than Japan to live my "otaku-ness". I dream to go to Akihabara and spend a lot of money and full days walking arround and buying all the things that my money could reach! pin, poster, figures, all the merchandise I like... I think japanese people are really creative to make items and products related to the animes. It' s something really fun cuz, much time I see things that are... not very useful but, are cute and are about somwe anime you like! so you want it! for example, some mounths ago I bought a smartphone-case, and, who needs a hand to take off you phone! noo! this case has a little character head taht you can pull on and the smartphone up to the top, so you can take it. .... what kind of utility has that thing??? is almost ridiculous... but is so cute!! so you like it anyway! hahha!

Ok, going back to the real theme, I'll say that one of the things that I need to achieve this ambition is... money. So I've been working and I have the money fot he tickets, but I need more to the hotel, foods, transport and of course, so much anime <3 Also I need someone to join me (someone has to record me in all the crazy thing I'll do while I report, hahaha). One of my best friends said that he would, and he was really sure about it (I was talking with him about my wished travel and he just said "Great! I'll go with you"... I said him "... I'm going to Japan, not to buy bread!" and he said "I know, I'll go with you". So I was "YAAYYY!!" but now he has a son so... now he says that he's not sure... damn it...)

Who or what inspired me in this ambitions? Also is really personal :33

And what would mean to me to fulfil this dream? Wooo... sincerelly I think I'd feel like I could die! hahaha,  "Now I can rest in peace!!" hahaha, but really, it would be some of my most important dream came true, so I really think I'd feel like I'm living quietly... like if I had lived something that I come to live for, so now it's done and... I can follow up more quietly. <3.

The bad thing is that I know that once I come back I'll get one of the majour depression of my whole life! DDD: I'll be wishing all the day to go back!!! but this is a journey that I want to do while I'm young yet, but I've thought in go to live in Japan... work there and all...

And now it's time to sigh... and sigh....