Thursday, September 29, 2016

Laguna San Rafael

Hi Guys!

For not talk about just "Japan and Anime" on my blog I'll take about a place that I want to visit, but in Chile (y)

Well, thanks to God, I've had the opportuniity to travel for different part of our beautiful country, I know some parts of the noth and some parts of the souht, but, withouy any dubts; my favorite is the south <3 that also means to do with the fact that I love Winter <3 so, a landscape which gives the impression of "cold" is something that I really like :D snow, ice, so much rain and thunderlights.... ooouu, I love it <3

So, the place I really know to know in Chile is Laguna San Rafael, in the IX region.

pretty incredible, isn't?

Maaan, there should be so much cooooo! but I like it, I feel the cool as a very refresing sensation... it's nice to me. Andm whatever, you don't need to like cool and winter to think thiese things are a very wonder <3 
I know during the whole year people are traveling there and getting close to glaciers in boats and even, some of them have the opportunity to watch how an enormous ice-block cracks and fall into the lake (.... well, I don't know if that is good or bad... I think would be an incredible spectacle but, if you think that is because the global warming... then woulnd't be so nice...)

Ooohh... how small we are...

How about take a little wash there? :D it's all natural!!

So, would you want to go there?


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Maid Coffee in Santiago!

Hi Everybody!

I hope you had an incredibles Nacional Holidays. I was the whole day studying and reading and couldn't go to a fonda with my family :'(

But... I guess I can't complain. Two days before I was on birthday! And I have 3 days of celebrations, hahaha. For the last day, I went with two friends (supposedly, we were 4, but one of them said "Sorry guys, I can't go" in the last freakin' moment!!), to a coffee that is new in Santiago (3, 4 months…): MAID COFFEE!!

When a friend told me about this place, I couldn’t believe it! A Maid Coffee in Chile! For those who don’t know what is a Maid Coffee: are a… coffee!! Right! But is attendant by girls whose are dressed like servants, but is like the “lolita” versiĆ³n of a servant. It’s about  pretend to be “kawaii” (cute), innocent and extremly kind. Some of them dress cat ears (or tails) or necklace with bells, hairbands... things that in Japan are considered “the cutest”.

So, we went with two friends and was the first time for all of us, but I was the one who was moore happy!! Really, when I go to Japan I’ll spend all the days (of somedays) in places like that! People are very nice, talks some Japanese words to make it closest as can be form the original (man, I can’t imagine how “kawaii” would be the japaneses maids… have the kawaii-ness in their blood!). I ordered an ice tea and waffles with ice cream, and my Maid drew me in the plate  with chocolate sauce. It was delicious!! And against as I thought, it wasn’t expensive.

I can’t wait for the next! I’ll go with some friends I met in a CFG about manga and anime, what is imparted in FAU, so are of they like these things!


*Oh, by the way, obviously this photos are not from the Maid Coffee I'm talking you